Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cracking my nerves!


"MAG NURSING KO PA KAY MAO MANAY USO KARON" ,I uttered these words to my parents sometime in mid 2005. I think it was the time when the nursing profession was popping out like mushrooms on the grasslands. Nevertheless, I became what was expected of me, I graduated just like any other students from my batch. A few months after I graduation I took the board exam (the experience of living in a seminary was  quite something) and then with luck and divine providence I pass the PNLE exam. 
This is the annoying part coming, people are expecting you to go abroad and live the life like a rock star. They don't seem to think I am not just basking in the sun in other foreign lands, I am their to wipe the asses of  a senile woman who is just breathing because of the vents and dopa-mines the doctor prescribe her. Not to mention the subtle discrimination that  had been embedded to us once we set foot on their havens. We are not like that. That is the delusion that they are optimistically getting. Let me bring you to the real world, visit the nearest public hospital in your town. Then you will see the unsung heroes, the volunteer nurses who are working for free to the public hospitals with out any financial benefits in their white uniforms. Worst comes to worst, other social carcinogens (chief of hospitals)  ask them for a training fee. what the fuck is that?

Jumping way out of the topic, a couple days later i will take again an exam to enter the parallel world of nursing, the teaching profession.